Youssef Bapiri

Youssef Bapiri, born in 1980, graduated with a master's degree in directing from Tarbiat Modares University, and is a theater director and teacher. He is the director and founder of the new theater group and the director of the shows "Scissors and Rope", "Painting", "Marasad", "Desolation", "Comment", "Third Act; The fourth scene", "Death of Hootan", "Eyes closed by sleep", "Golshiri's conquests", "Oslo", "Reaction", and "Ghosts" are in his work portfolio.
He is also the manager of the "Hamlet" project, one of Qashqai's executive studies projects, and he has designed and organized the event " performance-trip Kak Jafar" in Yazd and "performance - trip Mehri's " in Isfahan.